10 cuttings from our Heirloom Purple Pussy Willow Shrubs.
Silver/Purple Catskins on yellowish stems. A unique variety and color compared to other Pussy Willows.
Takes a couple years for plant to mature to full size, but they are a relatively fast growing deciduous shrub. Mature size is 8 ft. Tall 3ft. Wide.
Plant in Full Sun. They grow exceptionally great in wetter parts of your yard/ field.
Planting method: You may put your “stick” directly in the ground where you want it to live. Dig a hole and add compost, then push the stick into the ground 6 + inches deep leave 2-3 inches above soil line. Pat soil around firmly, water, and provide temps of 60 degrees and the plant will start rooting. Keep well watered if not in a wet location.